Dr. Liang Zhang
Born: 10 June 1990, Gansu, China
Email: zhangliang@chem.ecnu.edu.cn
Telephone: (086)13248015871
Address: School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering
East China Normal University
3663 N. Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China
ORCID: 0000-0001-8605-8681
2008-2012 B.Sc. Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
2012-2015 M.Sc. Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Advisor: Professor Zhan-Ting Li and Professor Dan-Wei Zhang
2015-2018 Ph.D. School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. Advisor: Professor David A. Leigh (FRS)
2018-2019 Postdoctoral Fellowship & Team Leader of Leigh ECNU Research Lab School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
2020 - Zijiang Outstanding Young Professor, School of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.
Award & Prize
2011-2012 Jun-Zheng/Wang-Dao Scholar
2014-2015 National Scholarship of Ministry of Education of the PRC
2015 Distinguish Graduate Award, Shanghai City Ministry of Education (2015)
2015-2018 President's Doctoral Scholar Award of The University of Manchester (2015-2018)
2018 RSC Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (RSC-MASC) PhD Thesis Award (2018)
2019 RSC Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector (RSC-BMCS) International Travel Prize
2019 Outstanding Achievement Award Spring, School of Chemistry, The University of Manchester
2019 Manchester Doctoral College Best Outstanding Output Award, The University of Manchester
2019 Finalist for Reaxys PhD Prize
2019 CAS Future Leader
2020-2023 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Student Abroad
National Young Talent
2023 Royal Society of Chemistry Horizon Prize: Perkin Prize in Physical Organic Chemistry
2018 Small science grows large in new hands’ Nature 564, S64-S65
2020 Chemists amid coronavirus: Liang Zhang’ Chemistry World 24 April
2020 Young editorial board Chinese Chemical Letters